Manapōuri Power Up May 2025

This is a preview of the Manapōuri Power Up May 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Meridian's Power Up Manapōuri - fund application

* indicates a required field.

Applicant information

Power Up does not fund individuals
Must be a New Zealand phone number. 
Must be an email address. 
If so, please provide the GST number
Has your group, organisation or trust applied previously for a grant through the Meridian Power Up Community Fund

Your project

Power Up Manapōuri provides grants for projects in Te Anau, Manapōuri, Clifden and Tuatapere that support sustainable community development.

Which of the following Community Fund Objectives does the project meet? * Required
Response required.Response required.
Must be a dollar amount. This payment does not attract GST as it does not meet the definition of a supply of goods and services under the Goods and Services Act 1985.
Must be no more than 500 characters. Please briefly provide details about your organisation.
Must be no more than 500 characters. Please briefly outline your project and state what the funding will be used for.
Are other sponsors involved in your project? If so, please provide details.
What geographic area will your project benefit? * Required
Response required.
Must be no more than 500 characters.
Power Up does not provide retrospective funding. i.e projects that have already been completed
Must be no more than 500 characters. Please provide project timeframe and attach supporting documents below if applicable.
Attach a file: Select stored file
    Please attach details of the project including timeframes, supporting documentation and diagrams as appropriate.
    Attach a file: Select stored file
      The panel prefers two current quotes if possible, to help with assessing your funding application
      Attach a file: Select stored file
        Must be no more than 500 characters.

        Promotional & Marketing

        This section is for Meridian Energy to improve our involvement with organisations seeking funding.

        Please see Meridian's Power Up Communication Toolkit:

        Attach a file: Select stored file
          How did you find out about Power Up? * Required
          Response required.Response required.
          Select all relevant options
          Which category does your project fall under * Required
          Response required.Response required.
          At least 1 choice and no more than 3 choices may be selected. 

          Applicant declaration

          To be completed by two representatives of the project.

          We, the applicants, declare that all the information contained in this funding request is, to the best of our knowledge, truthful and not misleading in any material respect. 

          We acknowledge that we will be required to enter into a Funding Agreement with Meridian prior to the payment of any funds.

          We agree to provide the Meridian Power Up Fund advisory panel with the relevant records that confirm monies contributed by the Meridian Power Up Fund have been spent on the agreed activities, and comply with all obligations under the Funding Agreement that will be entered into prior to us receiving the funding. 

          We also acknowledge that Meridian has the right to ask for an audit of our Power Up Fund related spending.

          We consent that upon a successful application, we agree to be involved with any marketing or promotional activity with Meridian Energy.

          We accept that we have provided our contact details to the Meridian Power Up Fund and acknowledge that these might be used by Meridian and The Meridian Power Up Fund.

          I confirm that I have the authority to submit this application and agree to the declaration above. * Required
          I agree to the above declaration and confirm that I am the person named below

          Thank you for your funding request

          Funding decisions are made by each Fund's advisory panel.  Advisory panels are made up of nominated community members and Meridian representatives and their decisions are final.

          When collecting personal information Meridian complies with the Privacy Act 2020. The information on this form is collected and used by Meridian (and its representatives, advisors and contractors) in connection with the Power Up Fund including to consider your application for funding. Meridian may also use your personal information for publicity purposes in connection with any funding granted. You are entitled to access the personal information Meridian holds about you, and request Meridian correct it. To view our Privacy Policy click here